Just as the term Church refers to the living temple, God's People, the term church also has been used to describe the building in which the Christian community gathers to hear the word of God. The church is the proper place for the liturgical prayer of the parish community, especially the celebration of the Eucharist on Sunday, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and reservation of the Eucharist. Churches, therefore, must be places "suited to sacred celebrations", "dignified", and "beautiful". Architecture and art become the joint work of the Holy Spirit and the local community, that of preparing human hearts to receive God's word and to enter more fully into communion with God.
The Ministry of Liturgical Environment at St. Albert, contributes to the church's visual enhancement during liturgical celebrations. It was created to conceptualize an inviting and fitting environment of worship during the different liturgical seasons and annual celebrations. The ministry strives to provide an ambiance of tranquility and beauty to help us focus on the liturgy and prayer through ornamentation of flowers, plants, etc. within the church, and throughout the "Liturgical Year".
If you would like to volunteer to help with this ministry please contact Kelly Perrault at 763-295-2775 and Susan Zachman at 763-497-2573.