Member Registration
To register as a Member of St. Albert, complete a Member Registration Form.
An online version is linked above OR a paper copy (yellow) is available in the narthex and at the Parish Office. You can mail it, email it, or drop it in the collection basket at Mass.
Mailing Address: Church of St. Albert | P.O. Box 127 | Albertville, MN 55301
If you have any questions or would like assistance in completing the form, please do not hesitate to call the Parish Office at 763-497-2474.
Young Adult Member
Young Adults, Single, 18 Years and up, we are glad you are here!
Whether you are new to the area or living in your parent's household, complete a Member Registration Form as well so we can include you as a Registered Member of our parish.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call the Parish Office at 763-497-2474.