July 25, 2023 (July 30, 2023 Parish Bulletin)
Master Planning provides a long-term vision as to how a parish campus should grow to meet the future needs of a community, while also preserving the things that are most valuable to us. The goal of the St. Albert’s Master Planning Group is to assess the present and future needs of the parish in collaboration with ATSR, a planning and architect firm.
Information was gathered from parishioners and church staff at town hall meetings, committee meetings and interviews. Most frequently heard items by category:
Guiding Principles: Transparency, Communication, Efficiency, Holy/Reverence and Welcoming.
Needs & Wants: More Bathrooms, Adoration Chapel Improvements, Larger Narthex, Better Acoustics and Updated use of Office Space.
A complete list of items for each category — “Guiding Principles” and “Needs & Wants” can be found here at the bottom of the webpage.
As our work continues, updates will be available in the bulletin and on the parish website. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we move forward in this process.
The Master Planning Group
Tom Berning, Trish Kosey, Melissa Lahr, Bill Roden, and Dave Vetsch